Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Following through with JMA

Well its been a while since my last post. Looks like the last post was done in July, a mere 5 months ago. So yeah it has been a while. This blogging thing can be hard to keep up :)

Anyways I just wanted to follow-up with my previous post about the plans with JMA Design Studio. For those who don't know about JMA Design Studio it is my business where I provide website design, custom illustrations, logo development, multimedia development, and now a new service consultation with Social Media. The plan was to create new business cards, new promotion package, and redevelopment of the website. Well I'm happy to say that the new business cards are completed, and the website is in the process of being redone as I type this (yeah, I can multi-task...I can write this and do web development at the same time...just kidding). Hopefully if all goes well I will have the website completed before the new year. It is my hope to start off 2010 with a new image, new services, and new contacts for my design studio.

Thus far everything is shaping up very well. I will keep whom ever reads this updated about my progress with the website and the business as things progress.

Thank you for reading!

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