Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Dog Days of Summer

With it being the day after Labor Day, I just thought I'd write a little bit about what is referred to as the "The Dog Days of Summer". Alot of people consider Labor Day as the last great holiday of summer, in which they can get together with family and friends to enjoy one last Bar-B-Que, a good game of horse shoe, or just lounge around in the pool. Now for me it represents all that and more. I really don't consider it to be the end of summer until the end of the summer equinoxe. Or simply until I see the leaves turn on the trees...you know FALL time!! So now I want to go ahead and mention some of the things that to me represent the end of summer..."The Dog Days of Summer".

This is going to sound weird (and not really relevant to this blog subject), but when I was growing up, I would notice the sun patterns throughout certiain parts of the house. Still to this day when I visit my parents I see the same way the sun shines in. When it would be close to the end of summer, the sun would shine in greatly into the living room of the house, in the winter it would shine in my old room, in the spring it would shine more on the deck just outside our kitchen, and in the early summer it seemed to shine more into the lower levels of the house. I really don't know why I really remember those patterns, but I guess it could be because the sun is sorta symbolic to me, it seems to convey alot of emotions and memories for me. So when I see that the sun is out, it is usually a good indication that I may have good thoughts throughout the day. And now, I'm sure that the sun is shining brightly into the living room. Just like I always remembered it.

Alright, enough of that sun bullshit, right? Alrightly, so let me go ahead and shift gears and get into the real deal. When summer seems to wind down, I think of... lazy days outside on the hammock, I think of lemonade, I think of bugs dying in the bug light (which I always called it a bud light when I was a kid), running though the sprinkers for one last time, riding my bike for hours and hours, fishing, camping, hanging out with friends all day before going back to hell...oops I mean school, and just being outside til night listening to the crickets, staring at the stars, and with no worries.

Those days were to me are referred to as "The Dog Days of Summer", which will always hold a special part in my heart. I still hope to relive those memories when I have kids too, so that they can enjoy them as well. I know that I don't share the same type of memories as most do, but that is what makes everybody different. What do you think of when summers starts to wind down? If you really sit and think about it, you'd be AMAZED at some of the great memories that it can spur up or bad ones (at least I hope not).

Anyways, I just wanted to share those moments that I went through in my life and hope that I may have rekindled some great memories in your early childhood. Here's to the end of summer (soon to be at least), as I hold up my glass of lemonade to you.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

Shepdawg25 said...

Personally, I'm glad to see summer go. My body and heat don't get long and the fact I work in a closed workshop everyday with no A/C and a little fan that tries to cool you off, I'm glad to see it going.

Plus, kids go back to school and arn't running around causing trouble!