Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Attic Cleaning Day 1

Today I decided it would be best to start cleaning out my attic. Let me try and describe this attic so that you can kinda visualize the space I'm working in. Ok, so the attic portion of my home is obviously located upstairs on the top floor of my home. It is also where my two bedrooms are. When you go up the stairs you see the two bedrooms; that is all there is to it. In the room on your left side you see two little doorways on each side of the room. Now these two doorways are just big enough to allow you to get in. You pretty much have to sit on the floor and then sorta crawl/kneel down in a guess the best way to describe it as if you were in the fetal position and then just get in. When you're in there there's enough room to stand, but still sorta be hunched over. (Am I boring you yet?)

Haha, anyways I wasn't even able to get in through the doorway on the right, because there was a bunch of crap everywhere. There was an old bed frame, bunch of boards that had a bunch of dirt, dust, and mouse shit on it, then there was a old mirror, and a whole bunch of random shit that had to be thrown away. Actually I threw away everything that was up there, because I wanted it to be completely clean. I was pretty unhappy to see the amount of mouse droppings and even acorns leftovers. I HATE MICE! I'm doing everything possible to make this house as mouse proof as possible, because I just don't want to deal with those fuckers, if I see one in the main areas of the house I will be ticked off big time. If they're in the walls, that's fine, because they'll eventually die. This was something that I knew when buying the house, but I knew if I do all the right things, then most likely the mice will decrease they're presence in my home. Man I totally got off topic, lets get back to the attic.

Unfortunately I didn't find to many old antiques, but I did find a old beverage container and a newspaper clipping from 1937, surprisely it was in good shape...just had the usual yellow color that you see when paper gets old. So no big surprises up there, no alive creatures, one dead mouse skeleton (was great to see!), and a shit load of mouse shit to clean for tomorrow. I'm leaving all the mouse shit, dust, acorns, and other little crap that can be vacuum up for tomorrow. Hope to get that cleaned up on that side of the upstairs/attic, then I will start hauling out the shit on the left side of the attic. Which will have me going through the other little door. Its kinda cool to be in there. It gives you a chance to walk behind the walls, which is neat to check out. Probably will blog about day 2 of my cleaning adventure. Will be cleaning the attic the next couple of days. Oh yeah, good times!


Shepdawg25 said...

I hate mice. I think I have one in my wall somewhere in the apartment. I hear that fucker all the time and it pisses me off.

Mavrek48 said...

Hey man, great to see a blog from you, I'll be sure to check it out daily now, make sure to check out mine (Mavrek) and my fiancee (Mavreksgirl)'s blogs. Thanks man. Keep em coming.