The first task was to clear out all the big stuff, which was mostly drywall and boards. There were a few pieces of insulation that I threw away (they were pretty well saturated with dirt and shit). Nothing to special was in this side of the attic, which was disappointing in some ways, but good too, wouldn't feel as guilty about throwing it out. After all the big stuff was gone, it was then down to the mouse droppings, dirt, dust, acorns, and random crap just like in my Day 2 Cleaning blog. And just like on that day I just sweeped out all the crap as best as I could, then got the shop-vac out to do all the detail cleaning to make it even cleaner.

Its all clean and ready more mice orgies.
I should note that I did find a bone that made me a little curious, mostly wanted to know where were the other bones from that animal and what animal it was. It was rather large, almost like a full grown racoon or something like that. Oh well, I only saw one bone part, so hopefully I don't have any problems to worry about as far as big animals in there.
Also wanted to mention that it seemed extremely dusty. Kinda worried about breathing it all in. I had a dust mask on, which never seems to protect my nose or mouth to much. When I took the mask off to check my nostrils they were both dirty as hell (sure y'all wanted to know that), so that goes to show you how un-protective the mask can be. Oh well, I guess it is best to at least wear one, cause I'm sure it does prevent some dust from getting into you. The mask was again pretty well blackened from the dust, did get a picture this time to show you how dirty it was. The pic I have below just shows what it looked like after only wearing it for a couple of hours. So yeah, it was dirty as hell.

I guess that is all I can really write about for the cleaning portion. Glad it is done, feels good to know that it is clean and ready to be insulated and boarded up, which I will be doing soon. When that is done I'm going to go ahead and start storing some of the stuff that I have in totes. I do have a bunch of storage stuff, so that is going to be nice to get that put away and out of the way.
Hopefully the electrician will come out tomorrow (Sunday). I just want that crossed off my list of things to do. He was supposed to come out today, but never came around to doing it...still not sure what his deal was. Not the most reliable person, but oh well, just so he get the job done...is all that matters to me.